Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young girl named Kylie Jo. She was a wild child who loved nothing more than playing in the mud and cuddling with brand-new puppies. Her father, a wise and kind man, shared with her all his knowledge about animals. Together, they explored the woods, befriending every creature they met. Their bond was unbreakable, and no one could match the love they shared. Even as she grew older, Kylie Jo never forgot the lessons her father taught her, and she always held onto the memories of their adventures together.
One day, a charming prince named Kaleb appeared out of nowhere and stole her heart.
Together, they went on a magical journey to Loveland, Colorado, where they discovered a special kind of love. A love so pure that it could light up the darkest of nights. From that trip, they brought a little piece of Loveland back with them, and it became a symbol of their love.
Life is full of surprises, and sometimes it takes us on unexpected twists and turns. But when we trust in fate and follow our hearts, we can end up right where we’re meant to be.
As Kylie Jo and Kaleb embark on their new journey as husband and wife, they create beautiful memories that they will cherish forever. However, amidst all the joy and revelry, Kylie Jo never forgot where she came from. In her heart, she knew that no matter how many years went by, she would always be her daddy’s little girl. Her father’s love was a precious treasure that she would always hold close to her heart. And every time she looked back on her journey, she knew that it was her father’s love that had carried her through every step of the way.
Venue- The Barn Restaurant
Photographer- Rustic Road Photography
DJ- Beats By Byrnes
Flowers- Blooms by Brianna
Makeup- Beauty by Serena
Dress- Marah’s Elegant Bridal
Guys’ look- Cruisin’ Kids/Walker’s Clothing and Shoes
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